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Testosterone is an important hormone in both men and women. However, it plays a significant role in male development responsible for everything from sex drive, energy levels, sperm count and even mood.
Over time, it naturally declines, starting around a male's 30s and slowly dropping off as they age. While this is natural, it is possible to keep levels high throughout your years if you make lifestyle changes
Of course, it’s not quite as easy as saying that your t-levels should be “X at X age” - because everybody is different and base levels will vary from person to person - there is no one size fits all.
However, there are some standardized numbers that vary throughout a man's life, and while it’s important to know your own base levels, it’s also important to understand a range that is considered normal at different ages.
To help you determine whether your current testosterone level is normal for your age, this article will break down how testosterone levels change throughout your life and how it affects you differently at varying stages of your development.
This is everything you need to know about the average testosterone levels by age:
What is testosterone?
Before we start breaking down the normal testosterone levels in your body by age, it is vital that you have at least a basic understanding of what testosterone is and the effect it has on your health.
Testosterone is a hormone that is found in both men and women. In men, it is mostly produced in the testicles and is released in significant quantities during puberty.
As you might already have guessed, testosterone is responsible for the growth of facial and pubic hair, the deepening of your voice and even the protrusion of your jawline.
Although your testosterone levels will naturally fall off once you reach thirty, nothing stops you from maintaining high T levels later in life - as long as you are working hard to maintain it.
Normal testosterone levels by age…
So, testosterone levels will naturally decline over time in men.
And while each body is different, we know that there are standardized levels of testosterone
Testosterone Levels in infancy and Childhood
Let’s start with infancy.
Let’s start before that with your fetal development. Testosterone is essential for creating life and is responsible for managing the development of your reproductive system.

Interestingly, testosterone levels have to fall within a very narrow parameter during this stage in order to create a healthy fetal brain.
Once you have been born, testosterone levels will continue to manage your development, but it is only when you reach adolescence that you will feel the full effects of its power.
T levels in adolescence and early adulthood
It is during your puberty years when testosterone will whack you between the eyes with the full effect of its power.
During the onset of puberty, t levels in men spike hugely, which of course, leads to the development of your adult sexual characteristics. These include facial hair, public hair, a deepening of your voice, a stronger jawline and increased muscle growth.
You might find it takes a few years before the effects of this increased testosterone are balanced. Mood swings, an unbalanced physique and spots are all common as the body adjusts to its huge boost in testosterone.
For reference, the normal range of testosterone levels for men during this time ranges from 300 to 1,200 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL)
Testosterone levels in adulthood
By the time you become an adult, your testosterone levels will begin to stabilize and reach their peak. It is no wonder that older men look at guys in their twenties with jealousy - you are technically at the peak of your physical potential, and t levels are at their very highest.

You may feel your sex drive increase rapidly during your late adolescence and early adulthood, and it may take you until your late thirties when you start to feel less visceral sexual urges.
Although the typical testosterone level during this phase is around 600 to 900 ng/dL, it must be said that there is a significant variation within this range.
We will examine the factors that can hugely affect your testosterone levels later on, but bear in mind that if your t levels are below healthy levels, they could drop as low as 200 ng/dL.
Testosterone Levels in Older Age
As you pass your thirtieth birthday, it won’t just be the depressing realization that your next milestone birthday will be the onset of middle age, but the acceptance that this is when your testosterone levels will start to drop off.
Don’t worry, though, you are not going to go to bed as Dwayne the Rock Johnson and wake up with none of your muscles. Typically, your t levels will only ebb away at a rate of one percent per year, which is hardly anything to worry about.
In fact, this is yet another reason why cultivating high testosterone levels is so important - regardless of age. If you already have sky-high t levels, then you aren’t be affected so severely by the slow decrease of your overall testosterone levels.
However, by the time you reach your forties, you may start to experience symptoms of reduced testosterone levels, such as decreased libido, fatigue, and mood changes.
If you don’t already have your fitness regime dialed in, you could also start to develop man boobs, feel less focused and experience a decline in your mental sharpness.
The average testosterone level during this stage ranges from 400 to 700 ng/dL.
In older age, testosterone levels will continue to tail off. By the age of 70, you will have significantly lower testosterone levels compared to your younger days.
This phenomenon is otherwise referred to as andropause, which is a natural part of life for men.
Andropause, also known as male menopause or late-onset hypogonadism, is when you experience a gradual decline in testosterone levels as you age. It is an entirely natural process that will typically crop up in men over the age of forty, although the timing and severity can vary from man to man.
During the andropause process, the production of testosterone in the testes gradually diminishes. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male characteristics, such as muscle mass, bone density, sex drive, and fertility. The decline in testosterone levels during andropause can lead to various physical, sexual, and emotional changes in men.
Despite this, it's critical to remember that the amount of testosterone variation between men is considerable, and some older men may continue to enjoy testosterone levels within the normal range for younger adults.
Once you have gone beyond middle age, the average testosterone level will typically range from 300 to 600 ng/dL.
Factors Affecting Testosterone Levels
Of course, while age significantly influences your testosterone levels over time, it can’t be chalked up as the sole reason for having particularly low levels of testosterone.
In fact, there are a wide variety of factors that can influence your t levels, and they are mostly related to your lifestyle choices.
For instance, obesity is strongly linked to low t levels in men, which is why it is imperative that you lead a healthy lifestyle no matter what age you are. Conversely, weight loss has been linked to a big spike in t levels, particularly if you have lost a lot of weight at once.
What’s more, by keeping the weight off as you age (such as man boobs and a beer belly) you will be able to counteract the natural decline of your t levels as you age.
Another overarching factor in the amount of testosterone that you have is sleep. While it is easy to chase after the shiny objects of testosterone levels, diet and exercise, if your sleep cycles are poor, then your entire life is going to be affected.

In fact, we’d go as far as to say that sleep quality is the number one improvement you need to make if you want to increase your testosterone production, mood regulation, skin quality, mental sharpness and any other positive attribute that healthy testosterone can influence.
A less common factor in the amount of testosterone you produce is disease and other health conditions. There are several health problems that can negatively affect your t levels, including undescended testes, infection, physical injury and cancer (as well the related treatment).
Moreover, there is a strong correlation between diabetes and testosterone levels. If you are suffering from diabetes, then you are considerably more likely to have lower testosterone, and vice versa. Indeed, you can actually prevent type 2 diabetes in over half of cases by preventing yourself from becoming overweight. Naturally, maintaining a healthy weight will also cause your testosterone levels to increase as a result.
What happens if you have low ‘T’ levels
Unfortunately, there are a multitude of negative symptoms that are associated with having low testosterone levels.
If you are interested in building a ripped physique then you will be unhappy to find out that having low testosterone can make it far harder for you to put on muscle mass, build new muscle and recover from heavy workout sessions.
As a result, low t levels are one of the biggest hindrances to men trying to bodybuild - even if bodybuilding is what can eventually increase these testosterone levels eventually.
This could lead to weight gain, which, if you aren’t careful, will increase and make it ten times harder to pile on muscle mass.
What’s more, you will suffer from a reduction in bone mass because it is testosterone that helps you increase your bone tissue growth. This can ultimately make you more susceptible to bone fractures.
Another symptom of low testosterone is a significantly more neutered sex drive. While your hunger for sex is naturally going to level off as you age, if you notice a more sudden drop off in your desire for sex when you are younger, then the reason could be low testosterone.
On a related note, sub-par t levels can lead to you struggling to achieve and maintain an erection, as it is testosterone that stimulates the penile tissue - thereby giving you an erection. However, bear in mind that testosterone is not the only contributor to erectile dysfunction. It can be caused by any number of factors - including smoking, high cholesterol or stress.
You may also find yourself suffering from a lower quantity of semen, have trouble achieving a good night’s rest at night, and have severe mood swings, which can lead to mental health issues.
How can you increase your testosterone levels?
So, now you know how damaging a lack of testosterone can be to your health and well-being, let’s look at ways you can improve your t levels.
The first is to start lifting weights. Strength training has been closely linked to sparking higher testosterone levels - particularly when you are deadlifting, squatting and bench pressing.
While it is not enough to entirely transform your testosterone levels, getting in the gym and training hard and heavy is a great way of losing weight and starting your journey towards higher levels of testosterone.
You should also try and lose weight if you think you need to - both through high intensity interval training but also a balanced diet and better sleep.
Additionally, you could use our Testoprime supplements, which naturally boost your testosterone levels and act as a great addition to any healthy lifestyle.