Man shows signs of burnout

How To Spot The Signs of Burnout

6 min read


27 May 2024

Supercharge your day

  1. What is burnout, exactly?
  2. What are the main symptoms of burnout? Spot these signs
  3. What are the main reasons for burnout?
  4. Final thoughts...

Burnout can creep up on you when you least expect it—and when you’re wading through choppy waters—spotting the signs is easier said than done.

Not only can burnout put you into a pretty severe state of physical and emotional exhaustion—it can also mess with your hormonal harmony.

Burnout really can happen right under your nose—but we’re here to help you spot the signs.

What is burnout, exactly?

Burnout is like feeling completely drained and exhausted, both mentally and physically, because of prolonged stress, pressing personal issues or feeling overstretched.

It's when you hit a point where you just can't keep up anymore, and even simple tasks feel overwhelming. It's like your battery is running on empty, and no amount of rest seems to fully recharge it.

Did you know? One in four adults struggle to keep a handle on their stress and anxiety levels in today’s fast-paced world.

Burnout is a common issue—and when it gets out of control—it can put a great deal of strain on your everyday existence. But, by spotting the signs, you really can do something about it.

Read: Mindfulness for testosterone: How to reduce stress and boost testosterone

What are the main symptoms of burnout? Spot these signs

Burntout man at work

Are you burned out? Is your stress response in a slump? Find out right here by exploring these common signs.

Headaches and muscle pain

There are countless reasons you might be experiencing headaches or muscle pains, from not drinking enough water and too much screen time to poor posture, overtraining, and beyond. But, chronic muscular pains and headaches are a common sign of being burned out.

Being continually overstretched and overwhelmed can have a profound effect on your physical and mental health. Chronic stress and tension can cause fluctuations in your blood pressure and make your body, well…tense, causing frequent head as well as body aches. This is a classic sign of burnout.

Changes in sleeping patterns and appetite

If you don’t have much of an appetite or you’re eating more than usual, this could also be a sign of burnout.

Also, if your sleep patterns are erratic (you’re suffering from broken sleep or you’re struggling to go to bed at a regular time), it’s likely that you’re suffering from stress and burnout.

Pay attention to your eating and sleeping habits and if you notice persistent changes, you can take action (more on that soon).

Did you know? Chronic acute stress and burnout can have a negative impact on your testosterone levels.

Constant slumps in energy

Another classic sign of burnout is regular dips in your energy levels. If you’re constantly tired and getting through your days are becoming a struggle, it could be time to take a step back.

When your body and brain are in overdrive, you’re likely to release more stress hormones. In turn, this will leave you feeling sapped—making you feel less motivated in the process.

Low mood

Feeling low is a common symptom when you’re physically and mentally burned out. When you’ve used all of your resources and given all you have to give, it’s hard to see the wood for the trees.

So, if you’re feeling low and deflated a lot, it might be time to take stock before your burnout situation gets out of control.

Getting sick more frequently

Unwell man in bed

When you’re suffering from chronic burnout, the stress and strain take their toll. Not only does being burned out regularly deplete your physical and mental resources, but it can also impact your immune system.

Constant stress regulation means that your body has to work harder. And as a result, you can become more susceptible to bugs and illnesses. If you’re getting sick and feeling extra rundown more often—it’s time to take note and find ways to overcome burnout.

What are the main reasons for burnout?

Now that you know the signs, let’s look at the main reasons for burnout and what you can do to help tackle the issue.

Relationship challenges

One of the main causes of burnout can be relationship struggles. Communication issues, intimacy challenges, constant push-and-pull, or feeling unsupported can leave you feeling exhausted.

Over time, these issues can lead to acute and chronic stress as well as pressing symptoms of burnout. 

What you can do…

To respond to relationship-based burnout in a healthy way, here are some strategies to consider…

  • Practise a little self-care and find time every week to do something you love, even if only for an hour or two
  • Establish clear-cut boundaries when it comes to time, space, and communication
  • Find time to talk things through in a comfortable space when you’re both feeling calm and clear-headed
  • Seek the help of a professional counsellor to help work things through

Job stress

Stress at work

Professional and occupational stress is real. In fact, the daily grind is one of the biggest causes of burnout.

In this fast-paced world, there’s never been more pressure to deliver the goods at work. And, if you have a family to support, the responsibility of being a provider can be more than overwhelming at times.

Yes, job burnout is real—and it can grind you down over time if you’re not careful. But, by spotting the signs of being burned out, you can nip things in the bud.

What you can do…

  • Talk to your boss about your concerns and talk through any adjustments that you can make to strike a better work-life balance
  • Set boundaries when it comes to your work life and your home life to make sure you get equal measures of rest and family time while keeping on top of your workload
  • Take breaks more regularly and make sure you eat well throughout the day
  • Book a little time off to relax, rejuvenate, and decide whether your current work situation is right for you

Daily overwhelm

Feeling little or no control over your daily situation (even when you’re probably bossing life) can cause the kind of overwhelm that results in chronic stress and burnout.

When you’re juggling a million plates, and you take on too much without asking for help, burnout comes around the corner thick and fast—it’s inevitable.

What you can do…

  • With the help of your friends, family or a professional, find ways of improving your stress response
  • Reach out to loved ones and ask for help with tasks, jobs or duties when you’re feeling overwhelmed
  • Take a little time each day to do something relaxing for yourself. Even 30 minutes a day will make a big difference

Hormonal imbalances

This might surprise you a little, but your hormone levels can be a contributing factor to burnout. If your testosterone levels are low, you can experience low mood, a lack of energy, and a dwindling sex drive (among a mix of other challenging symptoms).

There is a strong link between low blood testosterone levels and burnout. So, if you’re experiencing any of the signs we’ve mentioned in this guide, taking measures to boost your T levels could help.

What you can do:

  • Improve your diet and eat more testosterone-boosting foods
  • Try to weave some T-boosting exercises into the mix. It might be hard to find the motivation at first—but once you get into the groove—you’ll reap the benefits
  • Take a trusted testosterone booster to restore your mental and physical energy while getting your T levels into the green

Read: Are testosterone boosters safe?

Final thoughts…

Happy stress free man

Burnout is a big deal. But, by spotting the signs and tuning into yourself—you can make sustainable changes to boost your mental as well as physical wellbeing.

By identifying the issue and tackling it head on, you can overcome burnout and get back to feeling your strong, spritely self again.

In addition to making lifestyle changes and taking measures to tackle the source of burnout, things will change for the better. It’s all about taking charge—and if you suspect your T levels are a little low —a testosterone booster will offer the lift you need.

We wish you the best of luck on your journey and for more insider advice on health and wellbeing, check out the official TestoPrime blog.